Earlier this month I attended the Huawei Snapys 2016 launch night and had a great time. For anyone who doesn't know about The Snapys, they are Ireland's very own independent Instagram awards. They launched in early July and will be running until late October.
On the night we were treated to complementary drinks from Jameson and Galway Hooker and there were even a few nibbles too!
IgersDublin, the Instagram community, were also putting on their Dublin: Reflective City finalist exhibition and I must say some of the entries were amazing!
I didn't manage to get a proper photo taken so a quick iPhone snap will have to suffice!
Today they released their launch night video so I thought I'd share it with you because I may or may not make a little cameo ;)
If you want to enter into The Huawei Snapys all you have to do is use the hashtag #huaweisnapys and the category hashtag in the description of your photo when you upload on Instagram! Next you can tell all your friends to go and vote over here. I know I'll be entering a few snaps ;)
Thanks for stopping by,
Ciara xx