So here in Ireland it's quickly beginning to reach Arctic temperatures (well not really... but my fingers are constantly frozen) and I don't know about you but this weather and dark days are getting me in the Christmasy mood!
Not only is has Wintery weather came upon us but in Dublin city some of the Christmas decorations are being put up so when you're coming out of college you can't help but feel a wave of festive cheer. One thing I always look forward to at this time of year is the unveiling of the Brown Thomas Christmas Windows on Grafton Street. One my way to dinner I couldn't resist snapping up a few photos of he dramatic, theatrical themed creations.
These were taken with my iPhone so I apologise for the graininess!
I love being in town, all wrapped up late at night when all the streets get lit up with hundreds of stars of light.
What about you? Do any places near you get all dressed up for Christmas?
Thanks for reading.
Ciara xx